Connected Healthcare

Designing Impactful Patient
Engagement Programs

While telehealth became mainstream during the pandemic period of 2020-21, the hybrid (telehealth + in-person) patient care model is emerging as the new post-Covid norm. But for telehealth and hybrid care models to be successful in the real world, one pain point that needs immediate attention is patient engagement. Lack of engagement makes the whole digital exercise pointless and can hurt the key performance indicators of the provider.

Therefore, it is paramount that healthtech companies thoroughly consider factors such as demographics, socio-economics, the environment, and other factors before designing products that positively impact patient engagement.

Read this whitepaper to learn about:

  • The strategies to increase and improve patient engagement and make digital investments worthwhile for stakeholders

  • Design thinking-based interventions to improve patient engagement

  • How to measure success with the right KPIs

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